First, thank you to everyone who attended my webinar earlier today on an Introducing the SharePoint Framework webinar hosted by Lightning Tools. Big thanks to LightningTools for hosting the webinar… we had a great turnout!
I had a bit of a snafu with the way we did Q/A… I pushed people to Twitter using an invalid hashtag, but it looks like I’ve tackled all the questions that came up. If you were there and didn’t get your question answered, please feel free to post it in the comments below!
Those who registered for the webinar got early access to a 10-day email course I’ve developed: Understanding the SharePoint Framework Development Toolchain Email Course. If you weren’t able to join the webinar, watch your email as in the next day I’ll send all my resources out to everyone who registered including links to the slides & this email course signup page.
Are you interested in taking a look at the email course? The next group of people I’m going to open it up to are those who have subscribed to the Voitanos mailing list which you can signup to by heading to the site and filling out the form in the widget at the bottom of the page: