MS-600 Exam Prep course - November 2022 update & price changes

In this article, learn about the November 2022 updates to my course, MS-600 Exam Prep | Building apps with Microsoft 365 Core Services, and the new course subscription plan.

By Last Updated: February 12, 2025 4 minutes read

In August 2022, Microsoft released a major update to the MS-600 exam Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services. Not only did they change the makeup of the exam, but they boosted one workload, cut another, and added two new ones. And the certification you get once you pass the exam changed from being a certified Microsoft 365 developer Associate, to a Teams Application Developer Associate!

Important: What's new with the MS-600 exam?
💡 Check out the article & associated video I previously published that explains what changed in this update and how they’ll impact you: MS-600 Exam - HUGE Changes in the August 2022 Update!

Exam prep course updated: two refreshed chapters

Today, I’m excited to share that the biggest update to my MS-600 Exam Prep | Building apps with Microsoft 365 Core Services course since the initial release is rolling out now to existing students.

This update took a bit longer than the others as it included a complete re-record of the overview chapter and many of the lessons in the most impacted workload covered by the exam: Microsoft Teams. Current active students can sign in right now and check out these two chapters:

  • Chapter 1: Introductions & overview: the cert, exam, instructor, & the course
  • Chapter 5: Extend Microsoft Teams

This update also retired the chapter on the Office Add-ins workload because Microsoft cut this from the exam.

I’m planning one or two more updates to the course in November to refresh the other workloads (SharePoint, Microsoft Graph, & Microsoft identity) and add two new chapters on the new sections of the exam.

The first lesson to each of these two chapters, as well as all other chapters in the course, have been published to our YouTube channel. If you aren’t an existing student in the course, you can watch those right now to get a free preview!

Changes to the course pricing & access

This update will also signify another big change to the course that will take effect on Monday, November 7, 2022.

When I initially launched my exam prep course, I offered a flat rate for 90 days access to the materials. If you weren’t able to take the exam by the end of that 90 days, I extended your access by a month or two if you asked.

Unfortunately, that policy created a lot more than expected overhead as quite a few people took advantage of my flexibility. After coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t sustainable, I’m changing the plan.

Starting Monday, November 7, 2022, the course will be available to new students for $299 for the 90 first days, then $50/mo until cancelled. When this plan rolls out, the old plan will be retired.

To be absolutely clear, here’s how it works - if you’re a new student signing up on or after November 7, 2022:

  • You’ll pay $299 when you enroll and have immediate access to the course materials for 90 days.
  • On the 91st day, your credit card is changed $50 for an additional 30 day access to the course.
  • This will continue until you cancel your subscription.

If you only want 90 days access to the course, just cancel your subscription before the 90 days are up. You’ll continue to have access though the initial 90 days.

The FAQ on course page has been updated to answer common questions, including:

  • I enrolled in the course, and still have access, before the new plans were rolled out. How will they impact me?
  • I’m currently enrolled in the course. Can I get the monthly subscription to continue my access beyond 90-days?
  • I was a previous student of the course. How can I re-enroll?
  • Can I restart my subscription at a future date after I cancel?
  • Why did you switch to a subscription model in November 2022?

Please refer to the FAQ on our site for answers to these questions.

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