Retired Course

MS-600 Exam Prep | Build apps with Microsoft 365 Core Services

Following Microsoft's retirement of the MS-600 exam & associated certification, we retired this course effective March 31, 2023."

Error: Course Retirement Notice

Microsoft announced the retirement of the MS-600 exam: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services & associated Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Application Developer Associate, effective March 31, 2023.

This decision effectively ended the usefulness of this course… no sense in buying an exam prep course for an exam no one ? Therefore, we retired this course, our MS-600 exam prep course, on March 31, 2023.

Important: Get the Course For Free!
While Microsoft retired the MS-600 exam & associated certification (see above for detail), that doesn’t mean there’s still a need for Microsoft 365 app developers! We’ve ported the bulk of the course into a free series on YouTube. Learn more here 👉 Learning Microsoft 365 App Development - Free Guides;

With the unprecedented adoption of Microsoft 365, companies are looking for more ways to customize their environments to fully leverage their investments. This has lead to the rise in demand for Microsoft 365 developers, except that drove a new challenge:

“What makes someone a Microsoft 365 developer?”

To address this question, Microsoft launched the Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Application Developer Associate. To become certified, a developer must take and pass the MS-600 exam: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services. This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks:

Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Application Developer Associate

The Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Application Developer Associate identifies developers with a broad and deep knowledge across the the following major workloads in Microsoft 365:

  • Microsoft identity (Microsoft Entra ID)
  • Microsoft Graph
  • Microsoft Teams
  • SharePoint Online
  • Design collaborative apps & integrate existing apps with Microsoft 365
  • Test, deploy, monitor, & maintain enterprise-grade apps

Microsoft created the certification in response to customer demand for a way to identify qualified candidates and their proficiency as Microsoft 365 developers.

Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Application Developer Associate

Prepare for the MS-600 exam with our course!

This course is the best guide for developers to prepare and pass the exam!

  • implement Microsoft identity
  • build apps with Microsoft Graph
  • extend and customize SharePoint
  • extend Microsoft Teams
  • build, test, deploy, and maintain enterprise grade Microsoft 365 apps

Prepare for the MS-600 exam with our course!

Compared to traditional Microsoft exam prep courses…

Instructor-led courses charge you as much as $3,000 and require a dedicated a week of your time in virtual/in-person classrooms to prepare for the exam. In-person classes can require travel if one isn’t available near you, not to mention the health concerns of sitting in a packed classroom with others.

These instructor-led courses consist of lectures and hands-on labs. Microsoft 365 is always changing and improving. Have you ever wondered how often the instructor-led course materials are updated? Here’s a little secret: not often. Just think about Microsoft Teams - how many times has the user experience changed in the last year?

The instructors often don’t have experience in the subject matter or are even familiar with the content. Do you really want to learn from someone who’s not a recognized subject matter expert on the Microsoft 365 workloads the MS-600 is testing you on?

What if you’re a developer who already has experience with one of the existing Microsoft 365 workloads? Why invest your time sitting through a course & pay hands-on labs you don’t need waste time you don’t have?

It's time for a change: our unique approach to exam prep

Meet your instructor: Andrew Connell

Simply put: no one else is uniquely positioned to offer you this course.


Andrew Connell, delivering the SPFest 2018 Seattle keynote
Andrew Connell

I'm a long-time web developer with extensive experience in every area the MS-600 exam tests you on. I've worked with Microsoft 365 going back to when it was first introduced as Office 365 in 2011.

I worked alongside leading Microsoft 365 developers in the industry on the certification. We identified the topics developers should know & be measured on. This list drove the creation of the pool of questions included in the certification exam.

I was hired by Microsoft to develop the Microsoft Learning modules from this list of topics. These modules are fantastic resources for self-paced learning. They include documentation and hands-on labs. I also regularly refresh them so they're always current.

Prepare efficiently, on your schedule, at a fraction of the cost

You need is a guide to the certification exam!

It takes time to figure out all the different topics you need to know. You should focus your time on preparing for the exam, not trying to figure out what you do and don't need to know.

In this course, you learn what topics the exam covers for each of the different Microsoft 365 workloads. I explain what you need to know about each topic and which ones you can ignore.

Test your knowldge with over 300 practice test questions included in this course! I took questions I wrote for the Microsoft Learning modules (~100) & added another ~200 from my experience taking the exam.

What about hands-on labs? I already created them for Microsoft - you shouldn't (and won't) have to pay for them!

For each topic, I'll bring you to these same hands-on labs. They are always current (refreshed quarterly) and unlike the in-person courses, you can complete these at your own pace if you need the extra practice.

I updated the course in November 2022 to reflect the changes to the MS-600 exam Microsoft implemented in August 2022. What's changed with the MS-600 exam? Check out my video where he walked through all the changes to the exam!

What's in the course?

Chapter syllabus

  • Course Overview

    5 lessons | 56 minutes In this first chapter, we'll explain what the "Microsoft 365 Developer Associate" certification as well as the associated MS-600. You'll learn how Microsoft created the certification which will help provide context in what you should focus on to pass the exam. We'll then cover what you need in order to take and pass the test, what level of experience and knowledge you should have, and other useful aspects of the. Finally, this chapter will then provide an overview of the course including how you can get the most from the included resources available to course subscribers.

  • Implement Microsoft identity

    7 lessons | 64 minutes The Microsoft identity platform is an evolution of the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) developer platform. Developers face a challenge in that many topics related to Microsoft identity don't apply to Microsoft 365 and therefore aren't measured on the MS-600 exam. In this chapter, you'll l learn what parts of the Microsoft identity platform you need to know in order to pass this section of the MS-600 exam.

  • Build apps with Microsoft Graph

    6 lessons | 44 minutes Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to build apps for organizations and consumers that interact with the data of millions of users. Microsoft Graph APIs implement many OData protocol query parameters. In this chapter, you'll learn what topics you need to focus on related to Microsoft Graph in order to pass this section of the MS-600 exam.

  • Extend & customize Microsoft 365 with SharePoint

    7 lessons | 66 minutes Microsoft SharePoint is a customizable platform that developers can extend with custom components. As it has been around for a very long time, the surface area and number of topics related to SharePoint development can be overwhelming. Thankfully, the MS-600 exam primarily focuses on the current recommended customization model: the SharePoint Framework. In this chapter, you'll learn what topics related to the SharePoint Framework you should be familiar with in order to pass this section of the MS-600 exam.

  • Extend Microsoft Teams

    8 lessons | 76 minutes Microsoft Teams is an extensible platform you can create custom apps on; putting your app at the heart of your organizations collaboration platform. Microsoft is constantly updating Microsoft Teams and that can make it challenging to know what things the MS-600 exam will test you on. In this chapter, we focus on what extensibility points you need to be familiar with in order to pass the MS-600 exam.

  • App design, integration, testing, deployment, and monitoring

    5 lessons | 34 minutes In this chapter, you'll learn what topics you need to focus on related to designing collaborative app solutions and existing app integrations as well as testing, deployment, and monitoring.

What does it add up to?

From my experience in working with Microsoft on the Microsoft 365 Teams Application Developer Associate certification, I know not only what topics are on the exam, but what materials are publicly & freely available.

In this course, I'm not asking you to pay for what you can get for free. Rather my course:

  • guidance on how to best prepare for the exam
  • clear instruction on what topics the MS-600 exam tests you on
  • helps you avoid topics you won't be tested on
  • includes workload-specific checklists for the topics you need to know before taking the exam
  • leverages existing free hands-on labs when you need hands-on practice
  • on-demand access - study and prepare at your own pace & on your own time
  • over 300 practice test questions to test your knowledge
Man celebrating passing the MS-600 exam

Developers Used this Course to Pass the MS-600

👇 see what real students said about this course before it was retired 👇

First I want to thank you for producing this course. I really like the way the information is presented and you are fantastic to listen to. It’s obvious how much you know, and that a lot of thinking went into how you’ve broken it down. The duration of each video is perfect - focused details, easy to consume info but doesn’t drag on, and I’ve often gone back and re-listened to parts. Great that key topics within each video are marked. You’ve done an amazing job! 🙂🙂

YES! I passed this exam with near-to 900 score! I loved how extensively and concisely you described what I need to study for which workload. I was impressed how up-to date the course is. I felt optimally prepared for the exam, although I am relatively new to development. Getting detailed info on learning objectives first hand by an expert while I could just study whenever it fit into my life was essential to me. I want to emphasize that I absolutely LOVED how you explained SharePoint, and I’m pretty proud that I got 100% of the SPFx questions correctly. Your course was an invaluable source of knowledge, go to reference for me, and really guided me from just guessworking to actually knowing what to do.

I was using Voitanos’ MS-600 Prep Course to prepare for the exam when Microsoft, one week before the end of my preparation, changed the topics of the exam. Andrew delivered the comparison of the new and the old content covered by the exam, which was enough to make a right change in my preparation process. This content is up to date and declares the themes you have to know.

I passed exam with flying colors 😊 I followed 3 steps formula. First, gone through your videos to get to know the area covered in exam and list out all knowledge lacking areas. Second, spent good time in understanding all the concepts through Microsoft modules and completed your practice exams. Third, revise all concepts and target (MS-600). Done!!!!!! Thanks for planning out course to make developers to digest concept rather than just jumping around different Microsoft Articles.

Course has all the ingredients to make it a successful recipe. Once, you are done with the course, it would without doubt help to crack the exam. It would be cake walk for either a newbie or pro to clear the exam with MS-600 certification with Andrew’s course. The topics and content is crisp and clear. The details are pretty good and would sure help students to clear the exam.

I passed! Thank you Voitanos for the exam prep! Been really a big help for me to focus on things I need to understand before my exam date. Normally, I tend to go down the rabbit hole aka “into the weeds” in my learning process, but this exam study guide from Andrew Connell alleviate the struggle and served as an awesome tool to navigate Microsoft Learn and gauge my knowledge in the various MS-600 workloads to best prepare for the exam. Looking forward to do more fun stuff from here.

I was able to get through the overview today and start the first chapter, which I must say I am excited about. I have not done any offices add-in primarily because SharePoint and Teams and the power platform have kept me busy. I know about them and am glad the you have put the resource out there in an organized manner for me to be able to do a deeper dive and learn more.

I understand that this course won’t make me an expert but you have given me the tools to learn more about it which I greatly appreciate. I enjoy self paced learning. I also wanted to stated that you did a great job about what it is like to take an exam from home.

Jennifer Eckard
Jennifer Eckard

Success! I passed the MS-600 today! Now that I’ve gone through it I can clearly see how beneficial this course was. Thank you, Andrew for putting this together! Two of my strongest areas in the exam turned out to be Identity and Office, which I basically knew nothing about before preparing. I certainly had to put in the time and effort to study the concepts and related resources, but there’s no way I would’ve just gotten up to speed on my own without your guidance and focus on what I needed to know.

First of I would like to thank you for creating his training. It makes preparation for the test manageable. I have the Ultimate course that I have been cherry picking from for over the years. I thought if the information in the exam prep was going to be as relevant as in the other one, then I am in. I like that you list important links under each chapter. This gives me assurance what I really need to be familiar with. The history under each chapter is also very important. The sample questions below each chapter … gives me clue on how detailed questions are going to be. Your videos also provide very useful information on the depth I need to know the material.

Developers Loved Our MS-600 Exam Webinar Series

Developers ❤️'d the exam webinar series that provided an overview on the workloaded they were tested on.

I would like to say that the webinars were simply amazing. I went from being zero to a point where I got a very good understanding of all the concepts covered.

I really got a good confidence after learning about some of the behind the scenes information about the kind of questions which are asked in the exam. Also, about what topics to focus on and which can be left out. Thanks again!!!

I thought the webinars were great in getting the info across on everything required for study - I had no idea at the time there was so much material available, and it was really good quality! As a result of studying it, I passed the exam first time.

Paul Perry
Paul Perry
Technical Salesforce Consultant - Macquarie Group

I came to know about MS-600 exams through Andrew’s free webinars for each of the five workloads. They clearly explain what you can expect from the certification and what resources you need to prepare yourself for the exam. There’s nowhere else you would get such clear and detailed information on how to approach the exam, I’m waiting for Andrew’s new course on the exam before I take the certification myself.

Thank you for your webinar series on Microsoft 365 certifications. Nice presentation style and talk about real world scenarios implementation which all made for a really enjoyable and informative session. It not just helped to clear the certification exam, but to clear the concepts behind it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. You are awesome!