On-Demand Video Course

Extend Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions


Microsoft released Viva Connections in September 2021 and an associated experience, Viva Home in January 2023. Developers can use SharePoint Framework (SPFx) web parts & extensions to customize pages in the Viva Connections & Viva Home experiences.

Viva Connections & Viva Home offers an additional feature not found in SharePoint Online: dashboard pages & panels! These dashboards contain interactive tiles enabling users to quick consume & take action on.

Viva Connections desktop & mobile experiences

Viva Connections desktop & mobile experiences

Notice the dashboards of Adaptive Card Extensions

These interactive tiles are Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs). Microsoft added the ability for developers to create custom ACEs using the SharePoint Framework (SFPx).

That’s what this course is all about!

The chapters in this course are included in our Mastering the SharePoint Framework course’s Ultimate bundle.

Click here to view the complete chapter & lesson syllabus of the Mastering the SPFx course, including the Ultimate bundle.

Meet your Instructor » Andrew Connell
Microsoft MVP, Microsoft 365 Development

Andrew is a long-time web developer who's worked with every SharePoint development model going back to SharePoint Portal Server 2003. He's seen farm solutions, sandbox solutions, add-ins, JavaScript injection... if you can do it in SharePoint, Andrew's done it!

His work with the SharePoint Framework and Microsoft goes back prior to the first public release in early 2017. Andrew's taken all this experience, knowledge, guidance and packed it into this course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework. Learn the SharePoint Framework with Andrew from 41+ hours of theory, explanations, and demos across 250+ lessons in his flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework!

Start Extending Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions Today!

What's included

  • Includes 6+ hours of content in 34 lessons in 5 chapters of in-depth explination & demos.

  • Your one-time purchase is for lifetime access to the course. There's no recurring subscription down the road.

  • Prescriptive guidance & best practices. Every lesson explains how something works more detail than you'll find in the official documentation in an unopinionated way.

  • Access to private student-only channel in the Voitanos community on Discord where you can ask questions and discuss lessons with your peers & the course author.

  • Immediate on-demand access to lessons & downloadable resources, available all-day, every-day.

  • Evergreen content - your enrollment includes access to all future updates of the course.

Pay once, own it forever

$75 USD

Live outside the United States? We support Purchasing Power Parity with discounts up to 60% off!

Enroll Today!

All chapters in this course are also found in our Mastering the SharePoint Framework course bundles. Click here to view the complete chapter & lesson syllabus of the Mastering the SPFx course.

Course Syllabus

Here's what's inside...

Explore what and lessons you'll find in this course.
Every chapter in the course, including lesson descriptions, are as follows:

This chapter introduces you to the author & instructor of the course, what topics you can expect to learn and find out how to get the most out of this course.

This chapter is included in the Starter bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course.

Learn more about
this course

  • Chapter overview
    Play 4:59
  • Course author introduction
    In this lesson, learn who your instructor is, and why you should trust AC (me!) with your SharePoint Framework education!
  • How to get the most out of the course
    Make sure that you get the most out of the course bundle that you subscribed to by watching this lesson! You'll learn how the course is constantly updated, how to be notified of updates, and how to get the details on the versions of different apps or libraries are recorded.

This chapter explains why Microsoft created the SharePoint Framework to extend and customize SharePoint sites. You'll learn what the SharePoint Framework is and what scenarios it addresses.

This chapter is included in the Starter bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course.

Learn more about
this course

  • Chapter overview
    Play 2:16
  • History of SharePoint development
    Before learning about the SharePoint Framework, take a moment to look back at this history of SharePoint development. This will help you understand what you are building when compared to what you used to build.
  • Introducing the SharePoint Framework
    In this lesson, you'll be introduced to the SharePoint Framework. Learn what it is, what problems it solves, and under which scenarios it should be considered.
  • DEMO: Client-side web parts
    Let's now see what the user experience is like with the client-side web parts built for the SharePoint Framework. In this demo, you'll see how the add & edit experience is different with these new client-side web parts to the more traditional classic web parts we are used to in SharePoint.
  • Comparing SharePoint development options
    In this lesson, learn how the SharePoint Framework development differs from the traditional style of SharePoint development options in the past. This will help you understand what you are building and why in the SharePoint Framework.
  • SharePoint Framework documentation & resources
    While a fantastic resource, this course will likely just be one arrow in your quiver. In this lesson, you'll learn what other resources are available to you for SharePoint Framework development offered by Microsoft.

The SharePoint Framework introduces a completely new development toolchain from traditional SharePoint development. This chapter teaches you what this is all about and gets your environment set up.

This chapter is included in the Starter bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course.

Learn more about
this course

  • Chapter overview
    Play 4:10
  • Working with command prompts
    SharePoint Framework developers will spend a good bit of time on the command line as you'll see throughout this chapter. In this lesson, you'll learn about alternate options you should consider regardless if you are using Windows or macOS as your primary development machine.
  • SharePoint solution & add-in vs. SharePoint Framework development
    Before diving into the development toolchain for the SharePoint Framework, take a minute to consider what traditional SharePoint development was like. This helps in understanding why we have new tools and how they map to the tools you may have used if you did traditional SharePoint development.
  • SharePoint Framework development toolchain overview
    This lesson will provide an overview of the SharePoint Framework development toolchain. As you'll quickly see, things are very different if you're a traditional SharePoint developer; you know, those Visual Studio days...
  • Setup SharePoint Online development environment
    One of the first things you should do is create a development environment where you can test things against a real SharePoint environment. This lesson will show you how to configure your SharePoint Online environment for SharePoint Framework development.
  • Node.js & NPM
    The modern web development toolchain that Microsoft chose for SharePoint Framework development is rooted in Node.js. In this lesson, you'll learn what Node.js and its associated package manager NPM are and how to install them. Regardless of your primary development platform of choice, you'll learn how to install, configure and manage Node.js on Windows or macOS in this lesson. You'll also see how the popular tool Node Version Manager (NVM), while not required, can be used to manage your installation.
  • Yeoman
    SharePoint Framework projects are specifically organized files and folders. In this lesson, you'll learn how to install and use the tool Yeoman to simplify the creation of the project.
  • TypeScript & type declarations
    This lesson will cover TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is the primary language Microsoft is using for the SharePoint Framework. Among other things, it is best known for adding types to JavaScript & therefore, we'll also discuss type declarations in this lesson.
  • Gulp
    Going from your code files to an artifact that'll be deployed to run in the context of the SharePoint Framework. This involves running multiple tasks, using a tool called Gulp that you'll learn about in this lesson.
  • Webpack
    Just like compiled projects, JavaScript projects can consist of multiple source files that are compiled or merged into a single file that is deployed into production. In this lesson, you'll learn about the tool that will do this for us with SharePoint Framework projects: webpack.
  • IDEs & editors
    In this lesson, we'll look at the different tooling options when creating SharePoint Framework projects.

Let's start with a quick hands-on into. In this chapter, we'll create our first project and see it run in a real SharePoint environment. Then we'll make a few changes to experience the dev story.

This chapter is included in the Fundamentals bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course.

Learn more about
this course

  • Chapter overview
    Play 2:54
  • Create your first SPFx project
    In this lesson, you'll create your first SharePoint Framework project.
  • Run and test our project
    After creating the project, in this lesson, you'll see how to run and test a SharePoint Framework project.
  • Exploring the code
    With a project created, this lesson will walk through it and get it running in our test environment.
  • Understanding & modifying CSS styles
    SharePoint Framework projects, like all other web projects, leverage CSS to control the rendering and styling of a project. This lesson will explain how CSS styles are used.
  • Understanding & modifying strings
    In this lesson, learn how to work with replaceable strings in SharePoint Framework projects.
  • Deploying to SharePoint sites
    Once a project has been created, it needs to be deployed to a SharePoint site. While another chapter will go into more depth on this subject, this lesson will explain enough so you understand what the process is like.

Learn how to create custom Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs) with the SPFx for use in Viva Connections dashboards to customize and extend the desktop and mobile experiences.

This chapter is included in the Ultimate bundle of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course.

Learn more about
this course

  • Chapter overview
    Play 4:31
  • Adaptive Cards Primer
    Developers must have a firm grasp of Adaptive Cards - the technology Adaptive Card Extensions are based on. This lesson serves as a primer to Adaptive Cards.
  • Introduction to Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs)
    Before we dive into Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs), this lesson explains what they are and how all the pieces of an ACE are related to one another.
  • In-depth: the Adaptive Card Extension class
    This lesson takes an in-depth look at the cornerstone of all ACEs and starts to create a project we'll expand on throughout the remainder of the chapter.
  • In-depth: the CardView
    Building off the project you created in the last lesson, this lesson explores the ACE CardView component in-depth.
  • In-depth: the QuickView
    This lesson continues with our in-depth look at all parts of ACEs by exploring the QuickView. Learn what you can do with a QuickView by extending our project.
  • Viva Connections-specific Actions
    While ACEs are based on the Adaptive Card schema, Microsoft has added unique actions you can use in your ACEs for Viva Connections. In this lesson, you'll learn how to add these specialized actions by adding them to our existing project.

Start Extending Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions Today!

What's included

  • Includes 6+ hours of content in 34 lessons in 5 chapters of in-depth explination & demos.

  • Your one-time purchase is for lifetime access to the course. There's no recurring subscription down the road.

  • Prescriptive guidance & best practices. Every lesson explains how something works more detail than you'll find in the official documentation in an unopinionated way.

  • Access to private student-only channel in the Voitanos community on Discord where you can ask questions and discuss lessons with your peers & the course author.

  • Immediate on-demand access to lessons & downloadable resources, available all-day, every-day.

  • Evergreen content - your enrollment includes access to all future updates of the course.

Pay once, own it forever

$75 USD

Live outside the United States? We support Purchasing Power Parity with discounts up to 60% off!

Enroll Today!

All chapters in this course are also found in our Mastering the SharePoint Framework course bundles. Click here to view the complete chapter & lesson syllabus of the Mastering the SPFx course.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most common questions we get about this course.

Still have a question? Check the site FAQ for general questions or Contact us!

How's this course, Extend Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions, related to the course "Mastering the SharePoint Framework"?

Our flagship course, Mastering the SharePoint Framework, covers all aspects of SharePoint Framework (SPFx) development. It’s the best resource to learn everything about the SharePoint Framework, including Adaptive Card Extensions (ACEs).

Mastering the SharePoint Framework is available in three bundles: Starter, Fundamentals, & Ultimate. The Ultimate bundle of that course includes chapters on Adaptive Card Extensions which is the exact same chapter found in this course.

What does the Mastering the SharePoint Framework Ultimate bundle contain that this course, Extend Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions, is missing?

The Mastering the SharePoint Framework course bundles contain a lot more content on all aspects of the SharePoint Framework. This course only covers Adaptive Card Extensions.

In addition, the Mastering the SharePoint Framework Ultimate bundle contains additional benefits such as monthly office hours & a mastermind group. Refer to the complete benefits included in each Mastering the SharePoint Framework bundle.

How is the content in this course, Extend Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions, different from the chapter on Adaptive Card Extensions in the Mastering the SharePoint Framework course Ultimate bundle?

There’s no difference in the chapters between the two courses.

This course contains the exact same content found in the chapter on Adaptive Card Extensions found in the Ultimate bundle of Mastering the SharePoint Framework.

Can I upgrade to a Mastering the SharePoint Framework course bundle if I get this course, Extend Viva Connections with the SharePoint Framework Adaptive Card Extensions, and want more?

Sure! We’re happy to upgrade your enrollment in this course to the Mastering the SharePoint Framework Ultimate bundle.

Your purchase in this course will be applied as a credit toward the cost of the Mastering the SharePoint Framework Fundamentals or Ultimate bundle.

To arrange an upgrade, please contact us.